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Year 3 Beech - Miss Blunt & Mr Keohane

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Welcome to Year 3 Beech!


We wish to welcome back all our year 3 children and families.  Your teachers this year will be Miss Blunt (Monday and Tuesday morning), Mrs Davis (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and Miss Skelton.

Our PE day is Wednesday - Please come into school dressed in your PE kit with your school uniform (including shoes) in a bag.

Our library day is Thursday, where the children will be able to select a book from the library of their choosing to take home.

Please ensure that your child brings their reading book into school daily, as we encourage the children to read every day at school.

Our homework day is Friday. Your child will be given their log in details for Spelling Shed, Accelerated reader and TT Rockstars, which can then be used to practise and play at home.                                                                                                                   

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either Miss Blunt or Mrs Davis, we are always around at both the start and the end of the day.