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Key Stage 2 Data

A Quick Guide to Year 6 SATs:

The data we present represents the whole year 6 cohort for each year, not individual children within the cohort.

Attainment in Reading, Writing & Maths:

In reading, writing and maths we present the % of children attaining at the expected standard, compared with the national %. 

Scaled Scores:

This is the standard which the government has set as the level to which children should be at by the end of Year 6.

  • For reading, maths and grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) this is based on the child’s scaled score – if they gained a scaled score of 100 or more, they are judged to be working at the expected standard.   
  • For writing, this is based on assessment by your child’s teacher, which is based on a clear set of assessment frameworks, and the government checks schools writing judgements through statutory moderation each year.  

The Combined Standard: 

Schools are measured on the percentage of children who reach the expected standard in reading, writing and maths. The grammar test is not part of this measure.

Progress Scores:

The Department for Education calculates the progress that each child makes using a scale where 0 is the average rate of progress made nationally by all children. Positive figures demonstrate that on average the cohort has made better than expected progress and negative figures demonstrate that on average the cohort’s progress is less than expected. The caveat is that this whole group figure will not reflect the progress of individuals within the cohort.

Year 6 Data