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Year 1 Hazel - Mrs Sthanakiya & Miss Rowley

We hope you all had a lovely break and are ready to start this new year as much as we are!

Your class teachers are Mrs Sthanakiya (Monday-Wednesday) and Miss Rowley (Thursday and Friday). Your Teaching Assistants are Mrs Cowdell.

Useful information

PE is on a Wednesday afternoon. 

Children need to come to school in their school uniform and bring their PE kit in a bag. Please make sure all their clothes are clearly named.

Library is on a Monday so children will have a book for a week. Please make sure you bring it back every Monday so that it can be changed. 


The children will have homework to complete weekly - this will be given out every Friday and will consist of spellings and a maths sheet. It needs to be handed in the following Friday.  

The children will also get a reading book to read at home but they need to bring it in to school EVERYDAY! Reading books are changed every Friday - please try and re-read the book with your child as much as possible. 

Thank you.