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Term 3 - Magnificent Monarchs

Our driver project this term is 'Magnificent Monarchs'. This project teaches children about the English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day. Using timelines, information about royal palaces, portraits and other historical sources, they build up an understanding of the monarchs and then research six of the most significant sovereigns.

Have a look at our curriculum map below to see what we are going to be learning in more depth.

What a WOW start to our topic...

we visited Warwick Castle!

In the week leading up to our trip we learned all about the different parts of a castle and wrote a non-chronological report about castle. When we visited the castle we were able to see all of the things we have learned about in real life! We particularly enjoyed climbing the towers and ramparts and visiting the trebuchet show!

In D&T this half term we have been learning about embellishment. We learned and practised how to do a running stitch on pieces of binca. We then practised our applique technique using a running stitch.

In Maths we have been learning about statistics and how to represent data. This week we created and interpreted our own block diagrams about children's birthdays in our class.

We then moved on to constructing and interpreting pictograms!

In History we have been learning about different significant sovereigns across the ages. This week we were learning about The Battle of Hastings that took place, culminating in William the Conqueror becoming the monarch. We learned about how this story is told through an artefact called The Bayeaux Tapestry and we got to order it ourselves.