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Summer 1- Creep, Crawl and Wriggle

Creep, Crawl and Wriggle!

This project teaches children about invertebrates that live in their gardens and local environment.

Minibeast role play!

Week 1- This week in Literacy, we have been exploring the week 'Yucky Worms'. We have really enjoyed learning about worms and their habitat. We decided to make our own class 'Wormery'.

Miss Mac reads Yucky Worms!

Yucky Worms by Vivian French Read by Miss Mac Music from

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We have been enjoying our new mud kitchen. A big thank you to Sean White (Mrs White's Husband!) for building the mud kitchen for our EYFS outdoor area.

Week 2- This week we have been learning all about spiders. We made a class web! We used our fine motor skills to create individual webs using paper plates and string.

Sentence writing- In school we have been trying really hard to apply our phonics knowledge in our writing. We have been writing sentences as our morning challenge.

Monkey Puzzle - we have been writing character descriptions of the animals in the story.

Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson

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