Autumn 2 - Sparkle and Shine
EAD Music - Can you sway? - Can you hold the rhythm?
In UW - we have been learning about Festive lights and how many different cultures and celebrations use candles as their light source.
We have also practised our scissor and cutting skills to good effect.
PD Using pipettes... (for creating and developing our fine motor skills)
UW Making our own festive candle holders out of clay...
PD A fabulous PE session this week - practising our skills of waiting, turn taking, balancing and landing with control...
EAD Transient art - Can you make a picture that shimmers and shines?
L Anyone for digraph snap? Practising our digraphs (2 letters, 1 sound)...
Parents Morning
It was wonderful to welcome so many of our EYFS parents into class this morning. The children helped their Mums and Dads make a gingerbread man picture and try a gingerbread man biscuit. Thank you.
The EYFS team and children would like to say a big thank you to everyone that supported their plant sale last week. A wonderful new playground trike is on order. We will be holding another plant sale in the Spring with different plants (also planted by the children) so that we can raise enough to buy another trike. Watch this space!! Many thanks.