In PSHE, we took part in a First Aid course, lead by the Red Cross. We learnt how to use the recovery position, CPR and a defibrillator as well as how to help when someone is injured.
World Book Day!
Year 6 went to the Sealife Centre in Birmingham! We took part in a workshop, linked to our Art Topic, about defending our oceans and the dangers of plastic pollution. We also saw from so many fascinating creatures like penguins, jellyfish and sting rays!
Also for Wellbeing Day, we looked at "The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse" by Charlie Mackesy. We considered the emotions shown on each page and the message about mental health and wellbeing that was implied by the author.
For Wellbeing Day, part of our Children's Mental Health Week, we created mindful mandalas.
Year 6 attended the Young Citizens' event at the Deco Theatre. We learnt all about risks and safe choices as well as meeting many interesting professionals.
Here are our finished Inuit inspired prints!
We had a visit from two magistrates who explained all about the court system. We also took part in a mock trial and decided our judgements and sentence!
In Art, we have been taking inspiration from Kenojuak Ashevak to create our own prints.
In Science, we have been looking at circuits and testing whether circuits are complete or incomplete.
Curriculum Map
Curriculum Map - Term 2 Frozen Kingdoms.pdf